Restoring Honesty, Accountability & Transparency To St. Louis County

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Dr. Page

Meet Sam
Dr. Page has spent his career serving people. As a doctor, he’s stepped in to help save lives. As a public servant, he’s stepped up to root out corruption, and to create a 21st century county government that prioritizes public safety, improves public health, and makes sure all St. Louis County residents have an equal opportunity to succeed.
Learn more about Sam PageOn the Issues
I stand for transparency in government. Without it we cannot govern honestly." - DR. SAM PAGELearn more about the issues
Public Safety
Dr. Page has made public safety and a modern police department a priority, training police to de-escalate situations and respond appropriately to mental illness in order to prevent bad outcomes while also taking an aggressive stance against violent crime and repeat offenders.
Dr. Page has gotten the job done over the past three years fixing our roads and bridges, including over 900 bridge inspections, laying 19 tons of asphalt to repair thousands of miles of roads, over $10 million in water and sewer repairs, improvements completed on major roads, and finally getting the vacant Jamestown Mall demolition on track.
Access to Abortion
Abortion should be legal, safe, accessible, and affordable for all St. Louis County residents.